Artist - Kate Cree and the FFAF

Ok, you want to know about me?

I was born to be creative and from a very early age I was inventing and creating in all sorts of materials and mediums – the sort of kid who was always doodling in academic lessons! After leaving university, I worked in photography, illustration, fashion design, and fine art and travelled far and wide.

( Faye Cree – left )

In 2011 I created the FFAF – Forever Faye Art Foundation in memory of my daughter Faye who was an unconventional and unique character, full of laughter, vitality, chaotic, and well-loved by many. Faye loved life, art and inspired many of her contemporaries and was always FFAFing about!

At the Foundation, I teach students from beginner to advanced and those that have suffered mental health problems in all mediums and styles. I also work at the Foundation, designing and producing art work with meaning and passion, in a variety of styles, inspired by colour, shape and form. I create and design a wide variety of subjects, using an initial sketch as my inspiration and framework. 

I am a great optimist and embrace life with vitality, passion and energy, even during the darkest moments that happen in life – there’s always a way! I have been blessed with a ‘natural eye’ and have loved every second of my life in art, even when I’m ‘losing it’ with a painting! I am one of those artists who paints a picture several times before I’m satisfied, and often if you purchase an original from me there’s another painting underneath, so there you go – two for the price of one!

As time goes by, an artist has to evolve and explore and not stay in the same mould……… I’m off to do exactly that. Watch this space!

Kates profile pic